3.2 The Icon Bar

Back Icon

This button allows you to move back one page within your lister window. If you have visited the page previously, or it is a local directory, mFTP will read this from your hard drive. If it is a remote location, and you have not visited the directory, mFTP will load the contents from the remote server, which may take a few seconds (depending on the contents of the directory).

Forward Icon

Performs the same action as the 'back' icon, except that this moves forward via directories, rather than back through them.

Refresh/Reload Icon

This icon will reload the contents of a current lister window. If it is a remote directory, mFTP will contact the server and retrieve the content information, thus may take a few seconds.

Make Dir Icon

Make Directory will make a new directory either on a local or remote server. You will be asked to enter a name for this directory.

Select Icon

Select or deselect a range of particular files. You can filter specfically or via wildcards. For instance, to select all files with 'stfax' within their name, you could enter '#?stfax#?'. To select all JPG image files, within a directory, you would enter '#?.jpg'.

View Icon

View a file or files within a directory, using your settings setup within MIME preferences. If you are within an ADT file list, and you click the 'view' button, you will see the accompanying 'readme' file for the selected program.

Note that if you double-click on file within a lister, this will have the same effect as clicking the 'view' icon.

Copy Icon

Copy files to your local or remote window/server. If you click on 'copy', whilst you are within the remote server window/lister, any selected files will be copied to the local lister, via the batch window.

Move Icon

This option is almost the same as 'copy', except that it physically moves the selelected file (or files) from the local window to the remote server, or vice-versa.

Note that, depending on the server setup, you may not have permission to move a file from a remote server. By moving a file you are not only copying to your hard drive but also removing the presence from the remote server.

Rename Icon

This option will rename a selected file. You will see a box which asks you for a new name for the file.

Delete Icon

Delete will delete the selected file (or files) from the current lister window.